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Astrological Data Base Sphinx 2.0

Astrological Data Base Sphinx 2.0

Screenshots of Astrological Data Base Sphinx

Astrological Data Base Sphinx Publisher's Description

This software was developed to help licensed astrologists. This data base will also be very helpful for beginners and professionals. It helps one to study more carefully horoscopes and the influence of different planetary configurations on people. The software allows the building of a data bank which includes such information as clients DOB, photos and comments. The horoscope is built automatically based on the DOB.
This software also allows the study of synastry of two horoscopes (synastry is an overlapping of two horoscopes). This function is performed by clicking one button and dragging of one horoscope against another.
The sorting function allows one to study the position of planets in signs of the zodiac by sorting coordinating data of any selected planet. The planet can be selected with one click of a mouse and the whole database will be sorted accordingly.

What's New in Version 2.0 of Astrological Data Base Sphinx

The Horoscope Description

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